Friday, July 25, 2014

Review : The Scary Movie that Surprised Me.

Deliver Us From Evil

Rated : R
Run time : 101 minutes
Rating 2.5 out of 5
So going into this movie I was expecting a supernatural horror. From the weird hooting owl rolling across the floor in the commercial , I’m assuming that’s something that you’d also expect , Right? WRONG! This movie is about a possession. WHO THE FLIP WOULD HAVE GUESSED THAT FROM THE COMMERCIAL. Granted there was a priest in the commercial but I honestly did not get any sort of religious connotation from the commercial. Loads of scary movies add priests because they assume that the horror in their house is cause from some sort of evil presence and the priest is like “nah man, y’all are screwed” and he usually leaves as fast as his character is introduced.(source : see ever paranormal activity movie) I ASSUMED THE SAME FROM THIS MOVIE BUT I WAS VERY WRONG.

This movie had loads more of religious point of view than it did super natural. Overall the movie wasn't that bad, but it surprised me which was good.[Spoiler] The characters were rather weak , along with the overall plot. I mean honestly, soldiers go into a cave in Iraq and get posessed. I think I held my breath for the entirety of the last scene. There were some scary scenes but nothing too traumatizing. I slept well after the movie if that matters to you or not.

Tl;dr – Movie was Okay, wouldn't see it again but wasn't a horrid first watch either. Also , the priest looked like Jon Snow.

p.s. after looking at the movie poster it has crosses and stuff on it. Okay maybe it was meant to be religious but I totally didn't get that from the trailer. So , I blame the editor of the trailer for that.


P.S.S. Also , i have no idea when i will have time to go to the movies again. :( I am in the middle of packing my life up right now and preparing for my move to Denver. But not to worry , more reviews on the way I'm sure. If anyone reads these. 

Take me away

Level of Crunch – 10/10
Amount of replays- uncountable
Rating – hella

Occasionally there is a song that just hits so close to home and this is absolutely one of them. This song has become much more than just a sick beat and some crunchy tunes. The lyrics sing a song that was my life a little over a year ago.  I have yet to find a song to perfectly match that time in my life until now. The connection to this song is so deeply rooted inside of me I honestly don’t think I’ll ever get over this song. 

The first time you listen to it I am sure that you think it’s about some sort of drug like ecstasy, which I don’t condone.  But, if actually sit down and listen to the lyrics Troye is singing about loneliness , just existing and not feeling anything , and having to use prescribed medication to get that ounce of happiness that eventually just ends up numbing you to everything.

This song is truly about the struggle of depression and the thing people do to try to mute the sadness inside of themselves. This song hurts in such a good way and I am so happy that this song is doing so well.
Troye’s EP drops on August 15th and I highly suggest getting it.

Right now that I’m done being emosh back to your daily routine


p.s. this is the first time i've ever really publicly talked about anything like this soooo .... keep the chill 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Music : bringing people together since ... forever

Music is a rather important feature in my life, besides movies of course. I listen to more music than I watch TV , I don’t even have cable anymore. But i’ve always found it so fascinating that a particular song can take you back to a time and place in your life whether it be a wild night from spring break , a heart break, or a crowd of people at a club all singing the same song.

I guess I am making a music diary, is that a thing? If it’s not I am going to make it a thing. Below are just a few songs that I’ve been addicted to this past month, plus a few oldies. ( there are a couple of songs that I couldn’t find on 8Tracks so I’ll just add them below this playlist.)

My current favorite jam is – Happy Little Pill ( By TroyeSivan)

1       Money Trees by Kendrick Lamar
a.       Why you ask? Because yeh bish
2       Habits – Tove Lo Chainsmokers edit
a.       To be honest I like this mostly because the beat.
3       Thinking Out Loud – Ed Sheeran
a.       This is of my favorite songs by Ed currently. This particular song is off his new album “X” and I highly suggest taking a listen
4       Tenerife Sea – Ed Sheeran
a.       Also a favorite off his new album , although the quality on 8Tracks is poor , Youtube it I promise that you won’t be disappointed.
5       Come Get it Bae – Pharrel
a.       This song I actually listened to the first time on the radio and it made me involuntarily dance in my car.
6       Earthquake – DJ Fresh , Diplo and Dominique Young
a.       I first heard Earthquake at XS , a club in vegas. This song was playing whilst my best friend and I were first entering the club and it was a very surreal moment.  Also , a fantastic song to play as loud as your ears can handle.
7       Sweet Victory – IDK
a.       You know why.
8       Delirious – Steve Aoki
a.       Yet another song I heard for the first time at XS. No words can describe that night but I believe that this song does that night justice… That whole weekend actually
9     I love it- Icona Pop and Charli XCX –
a.       When you hear well over 500 people shouting I don’t care… I love it as loud as they can… just does something to yeh I guess.
10   Happy Little Pill – Troye Sivan
a.       Well I am quite addicted to watching people on youtube, and Troye was a channel I have been subscribed to for quite a long time actually. About two weeks ago he announced that he was going to drop his debut album called “ Trxye” and I was so excited. This is his first single from it and I cannot stop mashing the replay button. What really draws me to this song though is the lyrics. ( this song isn’t on the 8Tracks list but it is available to listen to on sound cloud I highly suggest you go take a listen)

Monday, July 21, 2014

The one movie with the apes on the horses with machine guns

“ That one movie with the apes on the horses with machine guns” - Hannah

Yes , I know this is not one of my better quotes but it happened none the less. The Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is the longest title known to man so please forgive me if I couldn’t remember the eight word title. 

I was forced to see it last friday as a birthday present to one of my friends. Naturally it was his idea and of course he wasn’t down to see The Fault in Our Stars… again.. 

So as I sit in the massive theatre with the Dolby sound system , that costs like 4 dollars more but it totally worth it in my opinion, I’ll tell you why later , I contemplate how the hell I am going to keep my mind preoccupied during this film that I honestly have no desire to see.  I decided to give it a chance because if anyone can play a wild ape named Cesar it’s Andy Serkis(dude who plays Gollum). 

Turns out that I actually quite liked this film… ALOT. It wasn’t based on romance, it had romantic undertones but seriously what movie doesn’t anymore. It was a really political movie if i’ve ever seen one. Also very balanced and symmetrical, you'd understand if you watched it. It was shot really well considering 90% of it was CGI and monkeys. There was one point in the movie where it literally sounded like an ape was breathing on my shoulder, freaked me out (damn that dolby system).  Cesar was awesome as usual , minus the ever so good looking James Franco. There was an orangutang called Maurice who could have been from Colorado he was so chill. 

This is the chillest ape i've ever seen and i wish we were friends

tl;dr -  It was a good movie.. go see it now.

As a person expecting absolutely nothing from this movie, it was fantastic. I highly recommend seeing it if you haven’t already for it is genuinely a good film.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Yearly Checkup

It has been a full year now that I have been a part of the adult world, a place that I found very daunting. Having this internal fear of never wanting to grow up, and become locked down in a job.

A year ago , I moved out of my parent’s house and into my first ever apartment by myself. I really recommend living by yourself for at least one year.  I’ve learned so much about myself, good and bad. But most of all I’ve learned that I don’t need other people to make me happy. I have become my own best friend and so far I’ve been very reliable to myself which is cool. But there were times when it wasn’t so happy. I went from being on a team of 27 girls , who I HAD to be around what felt like 24 hours a day for 8 months of the year, to being by myself and my cat. I literally didn’t know what to do. At first i was like “ Zomg 5ever alone poor me”. But as time went on I really grew to like doing things by myself. Hiking  , movies (don’t have to share popcorn with ANYONE) , exercise , dinner, the whole deal. I’ve really grown as a person for the good in the past year and I couldn't be any happier about it.

Now if you know anything about me you’d know that I set goals and I do whatever it takes to achieve them. I have high expectations for myself and I push myself fairly hard. But I’ve found that I have to take a step back every now and then and just tell myself that “I am 22 years old, not 60. I don’t have to do everything RIGHT NOW “ . I also contribute that to me being a very impatient person but that’s a whole other post to be honest.  So , it took me a very long time to get my work and fun time balanced because it felt like I was wasting valuable work time when I would do anything fun. I wouldn't take off of work because it just felt weird and unproductive.  But slowly I’ve learned the true meaning of mental health days. If I give any advice to anyone, it’s to find the balance of work and fun as soon as possible. It will make your life so much more rewarding.

Those are just a couple of things that I’ve learned in the past year about myself, “adult life” and work. I’ve grown accustomed to my routine and I feel good about it currently. Life is going well and I am doing well. So please excuse me as I go shop on pottery barn because I now understand why adults like nice things in their house.
