Monday, April 28, 2014

#Twitter #changed #how #I #get #Info

This past weekend I was indulging in a bit of smack talk with some Minnesota Wild hockey fans about the game. All of which started because of a simple hashtag… God bless the world that we live in. I can directly talk smack to opposing team’s fan base from the comfort of my Pepsi Center seat. It’s glorious.

Twitter has been on the rise non-stop since March 2008. As of January 1 , 2014 there was 645,750,000 , with an average of 135,000 singing up every day. With 58 million tweets per day, whether it be mindless rants about One Direction, or the Breaking news in a foreign country, twitter is usually first to know everything due to its global users. Twitter is on the rise, and I don’t see it stopping any time soon. Thanks to the 140 character limit people cannot get long winded, and have to get right to the point. This isn’t Facebook where you can write a small dissertation about your opinion. Quick, short and sweet.  In today’s world we don’t have time to read more than 140 characters, because by the time that we have read any more than that a new breaking story has already occurred.

Now looking back at the Wild situation it was occurred to me that twitter has revolutionized the way that I communicate to social networks. Before I jumped off the Facebook ship I used to put hashtags in my statuses, not quite sure if it was out of habit or if it was because I was trying to attract people that have the same types of beliefs I do. Twitter’s hashtag has made it immensely easy to find people that are talking about the same things that you are. Good or bad you get to see the opinion of millions, and millions get to see the opinion you put on your profile. I am glad that companies have started to use twitter for direct feedback from the customer. @Avalanche uses it’s twitter account to spread news about game times , team news , and live updates during the game.

By the looks of it twitter is still on the rise and there is no stopping it. Move over Mark Zuckerberg, looks like there is a new bird in town #burn .

twitter stats from : here

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why not blogging?

Right so I haven’t blogged in a while I thought I’d catch you up on a few things.

  •  I am no longer a tester , I am a Software Engineer now.
  •  I make things do things and I feel magical.
  •  I vow to start blogging more because I actually enjoy it.
  • Going to blog random stuff… ranging anything from technology to skin care…
  • I am going to the UK coooooool
  • Summer is coming…..
  • Joffrey is dead * spoiler alert*
  •  Oh i have a window cube now... but i will still use this to check the weather

Cool. Now that I gave you the low down of the past two months… we shall continue on and act like I had never left. COOL…


-          Hannah