Monday, September 8, 2014

August in a nutshell

August -

This past month has been more of a whirlwind than anything.Between moving to Denver, settling in, my birthday and getting a new job I haven’t had time to do anything but sleep.

Denver - 
Living in up here has done nothing but make my life better. I like the city life so much more than I could ever imagine. More people , more food, more movies , BETTER SHOPPING. Oh god the mall is so much better up here I can’t even explain to you. ( I live for Lush, and my paychecks go straight from me to Lush , I need help) My apartment up here is much older than my last , but it hasn’t been anything short of awesome. Dobby likes it too so that makes me happy. 

Getting a new Job - 
So , at the beginning of the month I moved to up here and would have never imagined within the same month I would have a different employer. iTriage contacted me at the beginning of the month of a position on their QA team. At my interview I met some of the people that I would be working with and everyone was just so down to earth and chill. Obviously they liked me because they offered me the job here. I now work downtown and ride the light rail into work every day. Oh so city chic. But the light rail is a blog of it’s own, don’t get me started on it. I was rather nervous about switching back to automation after previously leaving my automation position, but a week in to the new job and I couldn’t be happier. 

That’s just a bit of what’s going on in my life and why the hell i had been so absent in the month of August. But now that everything has settled down a bit more and i am getting back into a routine, I will absolutely blog more. 

Keep an eye out for this week because I’ve been given free passes to see a pre-screening of The Maze Runner and I am going to see that tonight! I will let you know what I think. It better be good because I read the book and I fell in love with the book. 

ANYWAY.. now that this is the most unorganized post I must go. Talk to tomorrow most likely! 


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