Wednesday, January 8, 2014

You're a what?

What if I told you that you could travel , code , build applications , AND GET PAID. Honestly, if you said that sentence to me a week ago I probably would have laughed in your face and said that there is no such thing. BUT ALAS , there is. Developer Evangelist , or Technical Evangelist.

Right. Now before you say " Doesn't an evangelist deal with religion?". Not this time, a tech or dev. evangelist is basically the act of going out and spreading the word of a certain technology. (jeezo that even sounds a bit religious) Spreading the word of technology consists of so much more than just talking to people about it. You tweet about it. You blog about it *hayyyy*. You give presentations on it. You Youtube it. SHOOT! Even sometimes you create it.

Honestly, I thought I was dreaming when I read the job description that said , Travel , speak to people outside your cube , and code. My three all time favorite things wrapped into one. There has to be one catch. So far I haven't found any and I have articles that I have been reading to prep myself for my interview tomorrow ( *fingers crossed*).

The moment I fell in love with this job was when I realized that I still get to do what I love( program , be involved with the tech world) AND be social about it. I have been working a 9-5 job and I never realized how much you don't actually converse with people. I mean don't get me wrong, I talk to my cube mate but that's when I am not coding. But when I get in the zone , lord knows HOW LONG I can code for. So, it's a bit more anti-social. I never realized how much I need human interaction until I sat behind a desk for 10 months.

Anyway , if you're into blogging about your favorite technologies , tweeting , recording , speaking , or even demoing this job is for you. Cause I know it's absolutely the right job for me. Now , it's only a matter of time about acquiring the job.

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